Sustainable Finance

People and Planet Are Sound Investments

March 2024

A GlobeScan / InfluenceMap Report

Retail investors support investment funds being more involved in addressing climate change, as well as in the protection of nature and wildlife and resolving economic inequality. Public support is particularly strong for investment funds encouraging gov...

Canada's Big Five Banks:
Heading to Net Zero?

March 2024

FinanceMap's assessment of Canada's Big Five Banks shows that the firms have not made significant progress on climate goals despite their Net Zero Banking Alliance membership and commitments.

Industry Influence on IAIS Climate Risk Work

November 2023

This briefing explores how the global insurance industry is engaging to shape climate risk supervisory guidance being developed by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).

US House Anti-ESG Month and Industry Influence

October 2023

This briefing outlines how elements of an ‘anti-ESG’ campaign by fossil fuel, financial and cross-sector industry groups have been incorporated into the current policy priorities of US House Republicans.

Asset Managers & Climate Change 2023

August 2023

FinanceMap's 2023 Asset Managers and Climate Change assessment of 45 of the world's largest asset managers shows that the firms have not made significant progress on climate goals since 2021, despite an increase in climate targets through Net Zero Asset Managers and similar initiatives.

US Banks and Climate-Related Policy

June 2023

New research shows that despite their high-level support for action on climate change, the largest US banks are not engaging in support for key US climate-related policy measures. At the same time, these banks retain membership to industry associations that are actively opposing key climate policies...

Anti-ESG and the Fossil Fuel Sector

May 2023

This briefing highlights the involvement of the fossil fuel industry in the "anti-ESG" political movement in the US, from the movement's inception to the present.

The European Pensions Sector and Sustainable Finance Policy

September 2022

Research suggests that despite many pension funds’ leading efforts in climate stewardship of investment portfolio companies, European pension funds do not appear to be engaging proactively on emerging efforts by EU and UK policymakers to create sustainable and climate finance related policy.

The US Insurance Sector and Climate-Related Financial Regulation

May, 2022

Despite a growing consensus among financial regulators that climate change poses significant risks to the insurance sector, industry associations representing the largest US insurance companies have been actively engaged in efforts to weaken and delay emerging climate-related insurance regulation at...

Finance and Climate Change

March, 2022

A comprehensive assessment of the world's 30 largest listed financial institutions shows a clear disconnect between the concrete short-term targets and actions needed to address the climate emergency and the limited, long-term targets currently being set by the financial sector. This research seeks ...

The US Chamber of Commerce and Lobbying on Climate Change Disclosure Regulations

November, 2021

The industry group is at odds with investors and its finance sector members on emerging US disclosure requirements

Climate Funds:
Are They Paris Aligned?

August, 2021

This research assesses 723 equity funds specifically marketed using ESG- and climate-related key words, with over US$330 billion in total net assets. It does so on the basis of two climate criteria (portfolio Paris Agreement alignment and fossil fuel intensity) likely to be of primary interest to in...

CA100+ Target Companies and the EU Taxonomy

April, 2021

Despite the CA100+ initiative having clear expectations on Paris-aligned lobbying, only 2 of the 31 CA100+ target companies found to be engaging on the taxonomy appear to be supportive of its science-based guidance with 4 companies advocating mixed or unclear positions, leaving more than 80% pushing...

Gas & Power Companies Divided on the EU's Taxonomy

February 2021

European companies backing robust, science-based regulation on CO2 emissions under the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy are also performing better on stock markets when compared with their peers that are opposing the same policy, according to analysis of InfluenceMap's policy position scores and fina...

The Battle for US Sustainable Finance Regulation

February, 2021

In the final year of the Trump Administration, authorities finalized three rules which have the effect of limiting the opportunities for ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing.

Asset Managers and Climate Change 2021

January, 2021

FinanceMap's Asset Managers and Climate Change for 2021 looks at the sector's performance on portfolios, stewardship (engagement), and shareholder resolutions.

Lobbying on the EU Taxonomy's Green Criteria

December, 2020

Intensive lobbying throughout 2020 from ‘real economy’ sectors has extracted significant concessions from the European Commission on its EU Sustainable Finance taxonomy.

Sustainable Finance Policy Engagement

September 2020

This research has mapped out intensive lobbying on European sustainable finance policy, led by industry groups representing the finance and corporate (real economy) sectors. Whilst a small number of financial institutions have pushed for ambitious policy, the majority have remained silent or stated ...

Corporate Lobbying on the EU's Ecolabel

April 20th 2020

New analysis from InfluenceMap has tracked significant lobbying on the EU Ecolabel since late 2018, as part of a wider ongoing research process covering the EU’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan and how the corporate sector is influencing the process.

How Japanese Industry Lobbied Against a Strong EU Taxonomy

April 2nd, 2020

The following briefing focuses on how Japanese industry associations lobbied the Taxonomy and considers how these lobbying positions contrast with those of some leading European financial institutions.

The EU's Sustainable Finance Taxonomy

December 2019

An analysis of how business has sought to influence this key EU policy