Energy Policy

Fossil Fuel Bulletin

October 2024

This briefing contains an overview of corporate lobbying that InfluenceMap detected related to fossil fuels for Q3 2024.

Methane Bulletin

September 2024

This briefing is the second in a regular series providing an overview of corporate policy engagement on methane policy globally as captured on InfluenceMap’s Methane Platform.

The Canadian Oil Sands Playbook:
An Analysis of Pathways Alliance

June 2024

This briefing outlines the strategies and tactics of the Canadian oil sands group Pathways Alliance to limit climate action.

Methane Bulletin

May 2024

This online briefing is the first of a new regular series launched by InfluenceMap, providing an overview of corporate policy engagement on methane policy globally, captured on its Methane Platform. The briefing summarizes analysis of corporate engagement on methane policies and explores the narrati...

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update - March 2024

April 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of February 2024.

Fossil Fuels Climate Advocacy Update - Feb 2024

March 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of February 2024.

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update #17

February 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of January 2024.

Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update #16

January 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of December 2023.

Corporate Advocacy on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

December, 2023

This report assesses global corporate advocacy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the context of the energy transition. It examines the high-level positions of 21 national governments on CCS and maps out linkages between corporate and government messaging on the issue.

Japan’s $1 Tn GX (Green Transformation) Policy

November 2023

The report assesses the alignment of Japan's flagship $1 Tr GX Policy with “Science-Based Policy” (SBP) using benchmarks derived from IPCC's guidance on limiting global temperature rise to the 1.5°C target, and the corporate engagement with the policy.

The Oil and Gas Industry's Policy Advocacy in Africa and Europe

August 2023

This report maps how European energy corporations are influencing climate and energy investment policy globally. Using LNG advocacy in Europe and Africa as a case study, it demonstrates how industry's attempts to influence policy risks locking in fossil fuels across the entire value chain, from upst...

Fact Check:
G7 Industry Association Letter

April 2023

InfluenceMap has assessed a 7th March joint letter sent by oil and gas industry associations advocating for fossil gas and LNG development to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on its accuracy using findings and recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Fossil Fuels Climate Lobbying Update #7

April 2023

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of March 2023.

Big Oil's Real Agenda on Climate Change 2022

September 2022

Following up on InfluenceMap's 2019 edition of 'Big Oil's Real Agenda', this latest report compares and contrasts the public communications, business operations, and policy engagement of 5 'supermajor' oil companies: BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies. The report provides evidence of ...

Airlines and European Climate Policy

July 2022

New research shows how legacy airlines are leading opposition to European climate policy, amidst a growing divide within the airline industry in their climate policy engagement.

Japanese and South Korean LNG Industries and Vietnam’s Energy Transition

June 2022

This report analyzes how Japanese and South Korean industry interests are shaping Vietnam’s climate and energy policy.

The US Oil/Gas Industry and the War in Ukraine

May, 2022

This research details an active effort from the US oil and gas industry capitalize on the war in Ukraine to advocate for long-standing policy asks relating to the continued expansion of oil and gas. The research looks at the month following the invasion of Ukraine on the 24th February 2022. This has...

The EU's Green Deal vs The Fossil Gas Industry

February, 2022

An analysis of industry's playbook to promote fossil gas in Europe

The Reconciliation Bill and Climate Lobbying

September 2021

The US government is proposing a bold climate policy and fiscal spending agenda which will face its crucial test in US Congress in late September 2021. The $3.5 trillion 'Reconciliation Bill' has been described as a “once in lifetime” chance to pass meaningful climate policy in the United States.

The Aviation Industry and European Climate Policy

June, 2021

New research shows the aviation sector has emerged as one of the strongest opponents of climate policy in Europe. While many industrial sectors are in the process of transformation in response to the EU’s strengthened climate agenda, the aviation sector has instead pursued a lobbying strategy to avo...

The Battle For Ambitious EV Policy in the UK

March 2021

The UK Government’s ambitions on transport decarbonization are likely at risk due to the influence of a minority group of automotive interests opposed to binding policy on an internal combustion engine (ICE) phase out.

Gas & Power Companies Divided on the EU's Taxonomy

February 2021

European companies backing robust, science-based regulation on CO2 emissions under the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy are also performing better on stock markets when compared with their peers that are opposing the same policy, according to analysis of InfluenceMap's policy position scores and fina...

Industry Groups and their Carbon Footprints

September 2019

US Lobbyists Dominate the List of the World's Most Influential and Negative on Climate

North Sea Oil and Gas Taxation and Lobbying

March 2017

The last few years has seen a significant reduction in the tax North Sea operators pay to extract oil and gas, to the point where the UK Treasury is now paying the sector £24m per year to operate. The industry has achieved this by a variety of influencing tactics aimed at multiple levels of the tax...

BP's Energy Outlook for 2017:
Will it fully consider climate risk?

January 2017

As BP's 2017 Energy Outlook is published, this note summarises BP's performance on climate risk disclosure and highlights climate lobbying activity.

Gridlock in UK Power Markets

October 2017

This report finds the Big Six utility companies have undue influence on UK energy policy and regulation, hindering the clean energy transition and posing significant investor risk.

EU NOx Emissions:
How the Automotive Lobbied Policy

January 2016

New analysis, requested by the Greens/EFA Group within the European Parliament, reveals a strong correlation between the obstructionist attitudes of key automotive manufacturers toward EU NOx policy and the position of the member states that they manufacture in.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the G7 and EU

November 2016

A year on from Paris, France comes top in the analysis of the G7 countries but there is significant misalignment among other members on their commitment to phase out fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.

The Dirty Dozen – Diesel Power Subsidisation in the UK

December 2016

How taxpayer's funding is being spent on diesel subsidies worth almost £260m

Japan's Energy Choices to 2020

November 2017

This report examines Japan's plans to expand coal both domestically and in Southeast Asia against global trends of accelerated renewable electricity capacity. It finds this strategy is misaligned with the strategic interests of Japan's technology-based industries.