Apple, Unilever and Softbank Group Among the 27 Companies Blazing the Trail on Climate Policy Influence

This year’s study identifies climate leaders around the globe that have achieved best practice in climate policy advocacy

September 14 2023

The latest InfluenceMap analysis on corporate climate policy engagement has found that an increasing number of companies are aligning their advocacy with the goals of the Paris agreement. The 2023 Global Leaders list recognizes a total of 27 companies globally meeting all three criteria for leadership based on InfluenceMap’s world leading platform for measuring corporate climate policy engagement.

The analysis found European companies to be leading the way in positive climate policy engagement, with 16 of the 27 companies headquartered in Europe, compared to six in Japan and five in the United States. The companies represent a range of economic sectors, primarily Utilities, Information Technology, Industrials, and Retailing.

This year’s list includes established leaders in climate policy advocacy such as IKEA, Unilever, and Iberdrola, as well as new arrivals DSM-Firmenich and Saint-Gobain in Europe, Apple and Trane Technologies in the U.S., and Ricoh and Softbank Group in Japan, among others.

Studying the advocacy efforts of nearly 500 companies, the report found that a growing number of companies are demonstrating various aspects of leadership but don't robustly address negative climate policy influence through their industry associations.

InfluenceMap used three leadership criteria that emphasize science-based climate policy advocacy. Addressing the findings, InfluenceMap’s Projects Director and the lead on the study Kendra Haven said: "The 2023 Corporate Climate Policy Engagement leaders highlight the need for climate leadership from global companies to help align government policy with the Paris agreement goals.” “Without corporate leadership, governments are unlikely to undertake decisive policy interventions that are the need of the hour. Our analysis shows who the trailblazers are in climate policy advocacy and demonstrates the overall growth in Climate Policy Engagement Leaders since 2021."

Responding to the report, CEO of Climate and Nature Solutions, Chair of UN Secretary-General’s High-level Expert Group on Net-Zero Commitments and former Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna said: "As we approach another COP meeting and the climate crisis continues to worsen, private sector support for meaningful national level climate policy is needed more than ever."

"InfluenceMap's research shows that there is a growing cohort of companies supporting government policy to help drive their clean energy transition plans. But the biggest barrier to action is the fossil fuel sector. The research shows consistent and persistent efforts to delay ambitious government climate policies by fossil fuel companies and those who support them."

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