Apple Scores an A for Climate Lobbying

An InfluenceMap Briefing

April 2016

See coverage in the UK's leading sustainability media, Edie.

Apple has become the first corporation to achieve the top score of an "A+" in our scoring system, due to its recent support of ambitious climate policy.

Research by InfluenceMap reveals the California based tech giant's pledges on the use of renewable energy are backed up by its calls to policy makers to push through ambitious climate change policy and legislation. In the wake of the Paris COP21 agreement of late last year, London based non-profit InfluenceMap forensically analyzed and ranked the largest companies in the world according to whether they are lobbying for or against climate policy - and it tracked and scored links with the trade associations corporations often use to conduct this lobbying.

Brief Report and Press Release with quotes from investment manager Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge and the CEO of Advanced Energy Economy, an influential business association promoting secure, clean, affordable energy.

About InfluenceMap

InfluenceMap is a non-profit think tank providing objective and evidence-based analysis of how companies and financial institutions are impacting the climate and biodiversity crises. Our company profiles and other content are used extensively by a range of actors including investors, the media, NGOs, policymakers, and the corporate sector. InfluenceMap does not advocate or take positions on government policy. All our assessments are made against accepted benchmarks, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Our content is open source and free to view and use (


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